Still Lifes Inspired By Old Masters

Still life photographs inspired by the old masters: Giorgio de Chirico, The Uncertainty of the Poet 1913 / Still Life Moving Fast by Salvador Dalí, 1956. / Still life with a dead hare Jan Baptist Venix and Vincent van Gogh – Nature morte aux poires, (1887)

In the spirit of evolving our skills we took the time to re-shoot some of our favourite paintings.

It is amazing how much you can learn by analysing and trying to reproduce a given painting.

In this case four paintings: Giorgio de Chirico, “The Uncertainty of the Poet 1913” / “Still Life Moving Fast” by Salvador Dalí, 1956. / “Still life with a dead hare” by Jan Baptist Venix / Vincent van Gogh, “Nature morte aux poires”, (1887).

Rather than just copying these master pieces we let ourselves be inspired by them and tried to create our own version.

If we succeeded or not… well we`ll let you be the judge of that. In any case it was quite a lot of fun and we did get a lot out of this exercise!

By the way here some Behind the scenes from this project: How to re-shoot a surrealistic painting

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